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DJ Beekay

MoBlack Records
MBR473 | 2022-02-25  
Up and coming South African artist, DJ Beekay debuts on MoBlack Records, showcasing sheer talent and the pervasive allure of Afro House. Starting off, the DJ/Producer brings in Lyrik Shoxen on vocals, to deliver a potent title track that marries earthy instrumentals and sublime electronic modulations. Keeping Shoxen’s effusive lyrics and poignant rasp at the crux, “BlackOut” capers along silvery melodies and robust thrusts of beats, emanating reprieve at the other end of darkness. “Beat Autopsy” wraps up MBR473 with an introspective journey that can move the body from within. Dovetailing  Afro rhythms and ethereal synth riffs, this lasting finale traverses the path of infinite vibrations, obscuring the frontiers of end and beginning.

Press by Marie J Floro
Artwork by Rachael D’Alessandro
Mastering by Daniele Mattiuzzi (Wave Life)
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