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Summer of Love

Kevin McKay, Bleech

Glasgow Underground
GU500X | 2020-09-11  
Dance music albums have traditionally been split into two camps; artist albums and DJ mix albums. There have been brilliant examples of each obviously but I have always felt that it was hard to capture the club experience in an artist album and equally difficult to give a true artist perspective in a DJ mix album. For some reason, it was generally frowned upon to have remixes of your work included in your artist album, unless they were "bonus" tracks. I never understood this, to me, it was no different to having different producers on different tracks on a rock or pop album.

Thankfully, with the streaming services taking a different view on how the "artist" is portrayed in remixes, it is, for me, easier to create a truer vision of a dance music artist album. All the tracks on this album were either conceived, produced or remixed by me and the tracks that have been remixed by others, the remixes were commission by me.

It is the first time with a DJ mix album that I can truly say this is reflective of my DJ sets and, for the first time, I can deliver a truly artist-focussed club album experience. Which is a great way to celebrate the 500th release on Glasgow Underground. (Or its taken me 500 releases to work this out!).

Kevin McKay, August 2020.

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