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Christian James is a House Hold name in the midwest DJ and dance community. Influenced early on by huge sound systems and the community vibe of the underground culture of the early 90's rave scene, he is most well known as the epitome of "a DJs DJ". With an affinity for all that is jazz, funk and house, Christian pulls from these elements when he blends them seamlessly in his production work and DJ sets. Most known for his wide range in detailed percussion that werks tuff and a lush sampling prowess. Christian James no doubt keeps turning out incredible tunes over the last decade plus- that hits the sweet spot on dancefloors, the world over.

He is closely affiliated with HUSH and Intelliphunk crews in his home town- MPLS, and now the infamous "Communion Sundays" which is the premiere Open-Air, Day-event in the heart of the city, featuring underground dance music, as well as DVS1's Future Classic rituals. Expect the unexpected when it comes to this artist's music. The heads are wide awake on thiswon.

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